Add buttons to your shadowbox, so your visitors can instantly share to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Tumblr.

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responsive design


Choose Which Social Networks to Include

Choose which social networks to include buttons for, and the order they go in.

It Just Works

So simple. Out of the box, without changing any settings, the plugin enables itself and adds buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr. You don't need to do a thing.

Fully Documented

As with all my extensions, this add-on is fully documented. You can find full instructions in the RC Gallery manual.


This add-on doesn't load every social API under the sun. Instead, it uses share URLs. They're slightly more limited in what they can do, but it stops your site getting bogged down.


Below is a simple gallery, placed in this article using the plugin. The social addon is enabled, and only the default options are used. Click on an image, and you'll see the buttons at the top right of the page. Feel free to click on them and see the pop-up share windows that open.


I'll help out where I can, and do my best to fix bugs if you tell me about them. If you do have any issues or questions, please get in touch.

Other Add-ons

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